Tuesday 27 August 2013


Hi All,

As well as make up and cosmetics I take great interest in keeping my self and the people around me in a healthy state. We only receive 1 body in our own life time, so I think its pretty vital to do the best we can to look after it. Not only does exercise make you look better but it makes you feel better. Higher energy levels (really important to me as I'm slightly anemic),  its a release - sometimes a work out clears stress and unwanted negative feelings for me, and best of all it releases endorphin's. I'm generally a happier person when I work out frequently.

So you hear gym goers go on about 'ab days' 'leg days' 'arm days' and despite it sounding like a lot of gymy fluff talk its a real thing that allows other parts of your body a chance to recover and also means you can focus on one group of muscles more intensely rather then doing an all over body blast which for me would take far too long to fit into 1 session. I don't like to be in the gym for more then 1 hour 30.

So here is my ab work out which I like to fit in at least twice a week. Its a toughy but stick to it and I promise you'll see the difference with in a matter of 2 sessions. Good Luck!

Note - Its your choice weather you want to do these as a circuit or complete each exercise in chronological order. I personally like to complete each exercise in its entirety especially when at the gym because it saves time darting around 3-4 times. For example the first exercise hanging knee lifts I'll do the first set, rest at the machine between 30-60 seconds, do the second set, rest and then the third. Then move on to the next exercise.

Hanging knee lifts (3x20)

 Reverse crunches (3x12) 

Ab tuck with ball (3x15)

 Russian twists (3x55-10kg)

 Crunches in cable cross (4x20-50kg)

 Crunches with legs high (4x15)

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