Wednesday 4 January 2012

30 Min work out for people always on the go!

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! I have so many goodies to show you all! but first....

When people give up their new years resolution of going to the gym, staying fit or trying to loose weight they often blame everything but them selves- including not having the time. So if you're thinking about quitting already, suck it up! This 30 min circuit work out will kick your butt into better shape and improve your stamina after only 3 days. Depending on your weight height etc you could burn between 400-500 Kcals in just half an hour. Which is an episode of friends basically, so get up lazy bones!

Jump rope/skipping for 60 sec.

Crunches in reps of 12

Push ups in reps of 12

Box Jump with lightweight dumbbells for 60 sec.

Squat thrusts in reps of 12

Walking lunges with lightweight dumbbells reps of 12

Excluding rests you should aim to get through the circuit in 4-4.5 minutes, rest for up to 12 seconds after each exercise but try to push through to the next with out a break.

Repeat 5 times resting only in between repetitions and not in between circuit repeats. Make the circuit harder by jumping up from each squat thrust before getting back down. Also to tone your tummy try using a medicine ball in the crunches. Come half way up through a sit up and twist using the weight of the medicine ball to rock you right to left right to left then lower your self before coming up for another sit up. This will tone the sides of your abs as well as the front pack of muscles. If you don't have a med ball try touching your right elbow to your left knee and your left elbow to your right knee whilst doing the crunches.

Sweat it out!
Katie X

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