Thursday 5 January 2012

Benefit - CORALista for S/S '12

Benefit claims:

Our warm coral-pink cheek powder is your "coral blush for a tropical flush"! This shade cheers up every skin tone in seconds.
I must say the claims are true - that's why its my favorite blusher ever! And why I think this should be in everyones make up kit for spring! I know it's a way ahead but I'm bored of winter now. I think this work particularly well on fair-medium skin or tanned fair skin but I'm quite sure it will brighten all skin tones regardless. I will swatch this when I'm home tonight as I cant find the words to describe the warmth and peachyness it brings to my cheeks! Yet its so soft and subtle. Super pigmented and lasts forever. I bought my first box over 2 years ago and still havent hit the pan, although its getting close! I already have a 2nd box backed up that my lovely boy bought me for christmas, its smells amazing. It's the only blusher I own that doesn't smell like make up and instead like lightly perfumed powder. They have changed the packaging slightly from a pull of lid to a joined-to-box lid, and the newer boxes have mirrors which are useful but no change to amount of product I believe. They retail at £23.50 but like I said it lasts for a looooong time, the actual product contained is 0.28 oz, whereas a MAC blush contains 0.21 oz so I think this is a good indication you're getting more for your money. Like I said swatches to follow tonight but if you cant wait have a peek on google! its so pretty on!
Have a great day, Katie X

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Smoked salmon, King prawn pasta in creamy white wine & garlic sauce

This is what I cooked last night! Under 500 kcal too! Enjoy!

100g of smoked salmon - 117Kcals
100g of pasta spirals - 158Kcals
2 table spoons of philly light - 60Kcals
1/2 glass of white wine - 30kcals (reduced)
30ml of fresh single cream - 58Kcals
70ml of water
Half a chopped onion - 25Kcals
= 448kcals

A few drops of lemon juice, salt, pepper, fresh chopped Dill & half a clove of garlic.

1.Cook the pasta till Al Dente, drain and leave to one side.

2.Reduce half a glass of white wine in the pan on a high heat till it smells sweet and there is no alcohol left in the reduction, throw in the chopped garlic & onion then season with salt and pepper.

3. Pour in cream, water, a squeeze of lemon and mix the ingredients. Then add two spoon fulls of reduced fat soft cheese. Let it melt on a medium-low heat and that is pretty much the sauce done. If it becomes to thick add a table spoon of milk or water.

4. Pour the pasta into the sauce, cook for a further minute in the sauce and add King Prawns. Remove from heat and dish it up!

5. Place the smoked salmon on top and sprinkle chopped dill over the top. Season to taste. Enjoy!

Katie X

Lee Stafford For hair that doesn't grow past a certain length

I've read a lot of good things about this product and I can now say I'm an addict! I've been using for almost 2 weeks and I must say my hair condition is improving with every use.

Lee Claims this product is:
"gorgeous, thick intensive treatment with Pro-Growth™ complex gives your hair strength from within by fertilising your follicles, creating a healthy environment on your scalp to help hair grow faster and reach its maximum potential length. Its soothing formulation reduces irritation and moisturises the scalp, helping to keep it healthy and improving the volume and feel of your hair".

As I've only been using for this short amount of time I haven't noticed colossal amounts of hair spouting from my head but the length of my hair and especially the end inches feel a lot stronger & maybe even a bit thicker? My hair isn't in bad condition but it is naturally thin and fine, this product seemed to make it feel a bit more luscious and conditioned then usual, with out adding any weighty-ness or oil to my hair. AND THE SCENT - I cant even begin. It smells like most of the other Lee Stafford products but because this is a masque it lingers in your hair. Smells heavenly. I will add an update after another week or so. A lot of the reviews I've read say you really need to use it 3-4 times a week to begin with to see any real growth but then after you've achieved a good length you just use it weekly so at the moment I'm using every other time I wash my hair. The result is what you'd expect from a decent hair mask, shiny, smooth (with out using any product or styling) and an improved state and this never fails to do those things. Even when I've let it dry naturally it seems all it needs is a brush before and after being left to dry and it turns out a dream.

At £7-£8 a pot its not cheap, and they advise you to use an 'egg sized amount' each time - I use maybe half that and its lasting well, looking like I'll get just over 3 weeks use out of 1 tub which I think is good enough. I'm eager to hear other peoples views and how it works on other hair types or if you know of any home hair conditioning recipes for me to try! I've heard tea rinse can be beneficial for hair growth because of the caffeine but I'm going to research it a little more before testing I think!!

Katie X

30 Min work out for people always on the go!

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! I have so many goodies to show you all! but first....

When people give up their new years resolution of going to the gym, staying fit or trying to loose weight they often blame everything but them selves- including not having the time. So if you're thinking about quitting already, suck it up! This 30 min circuit work out will kick your butt into better shape and improve your stamina after only 3 days. Depending on your weight height etc you could burn between 400-500 Kcals in just half an hour. Which is an episode of friends basically, so get up lazy bones!

Jump rope/skipping for 60 sec.

Crunches in reps of 12

Push ups in reps of 12

Box Jump with lightweight dumbbells for 60 sec.

Squat thrusts in reps of 12

Walking lunges with lightweight dumbbells reps of 12

Excluding rests you should aim to get through the circuit in 4-4.5 minutes, rest for up to 12 seconds after each exercise but try to push through to the next with out a break.

Repeat 5 times resting only in between repetitions and not in between circuit repeats. Make the circuit harder by jumping up from each squat thrust before getting back down. Also to tone your tummy try using a medicine ball in the crunches. Come half way up through a sit up and twist using the weight of the medicine ball to rock you right to left right to left then lower your self before coming up for another sit up. This will tone the sides of your abs as well as the front pack of muscles. If you don't have a med ball try touching your right elbow to your left knee and your left elbow to your right knee whilst doing the crunches.

Sweat it out!
Katie X